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2021-06-07 10:11:39 Views : 679 |

News: UN Urged to Help Persecuted Christians in Turkey

Ishtartv.com - vision.org.au

Monday, June 7th, 2021


Four Christian charities have urged the United Nations’ Human Rights Committee to help persecuted believers in Turkey.

The four groups are the European Evangelical Alliance, World Evangelical Alliance, Middle East Concern and the Turkish Association of Protestant Churches.

Barnabas Fund reports the groups cite examples of institutionalised discrimination against Protestant Christians.

Their report wants the UN’s Human Rights Committee to ask a series of questions of the Turkish Government.

These relate to fair procedures for pastors faced with deportation, churches seeking legal recognition, and Christians freely practising their faith.

Churches in Turkey are often prevented from obtaining legal status as a religious congregation, or from having their church buildings and meeting places officially recognised as places of worship.

This is despite Turkey being a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The report says the discrimination is caused by an ingrained suspicion and hostility towards Christians, especially Protestants, which is encouraged by the Turkish government.


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