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2023-03-09 10:16:25 Views : 487 |

News: Last Armenians and Assyrians of Malatya flee city after quakes

Cracks appeared on the walls of the Taşhoran Church after the earthquake‏.‏

Ishtartv.com - duvarenglish.com

Byu Fırat Bulut , Tuesday March 07 2023


In Malatya province, neighborhoods where Assyrians and Armenians live have been razed to the ground after the major earthquakes that hit southeastern Turkey last month. Both communities, who had previously been forced to migrate three times in the last 100 years, are now migrating due to the quake disaster‏.‏


The Çavuşoğlu and Salköprü neighborhoods, where almost all of Malatya's Armenians and Assyrians resided, were heavily damaged by the major earthquakes that hit southeastern Turkey in February. In both neighborhoods with old buildings, 90 percent of the houses collapsed or are severely damaged.

Some 60 people from both communities lived in the neighborhoods before the quakes on Feb. 6. Four people lost their lives, and most survivors left the province.

In the first earthquake on Feb. 6, the Armenian Tabaş family of 4 was trapped under the rubble in the Salköprü neighborhood. While the couple Ayda Tabaş and Sami Tabaş died under the rubble, their child Aleks Tabaş, who was pulled out of the rubble by neighbors, died in the hospital.

On the morning of the earthquake, snowfall and freezing temperatures forced some earthquake survivors to enter their homes. Maryam Kabataş, one of these survivors, was caught in the second earthquake afternoon, and her dead body was pulled out from the rubble.

Taşharon Church was also severely damaged by the earthquake. Large cracks formed in the historic church's walls, which was built in the second half of the 18th century in Malatya's Çavuşoğlu Neighborhood. After being idle for a long time, the church was restored and opened for worship in 2021. 

Yusuf Bayyiğit, an Assyrian blacksmith master who moved his family out of Malatya after the two major earthquakes and returned later, said that the Armenian and Assyrian population in the city does not "exceed the fingers of a hand" (a Turkish idiom used for describing fewness).

Many houses on Boncuk Street, where massacred Agos Editor-in-Chief Hrant Dink was born, also ‎took damage.‎

Yusuf Bayyiğit, an Assyrian blacksmith, does not leave the city.‎

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