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2013-02-01 11:02:01 Views : 4301 |

Singer of the week - Ilona Danho

With so many great Assyrian singers now living abroad in so many different countries, it is hard to keep up with all the new music that comes out every week!

Here at Ishtar, we will highlight one artist every week. In the first 3 weeks, got the chance to know Zee Zomaia from the US, Rama Younan from Sweden, and Martin Yaqo from Canada.

This week we will highlight Ilona Danho
(Assyrian:ܐܝܠܘܢܐ ܕܢܚܐ). She is a young Assyrian Swedish singer originally from Syria. Her songs combine traditional Syriac rhythms with Jazz tunes.

Check out her latest song called Zayno Zayno.

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